Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Camplong Coast Attractions - Madura East Java Indonesia

Cwmplong Coast Attractions located in Sampang, Madura. Camplong beach is now more beautiful with the wide range of accommodation, be it a place of entertainment, there is also a restaurant, inn or tourist boat.
Attractions: Beaches Camplong also available a large swimming pool and also a place for children bcrmain. Attractions: Beaches Camplong is as one of the tourism asset for the island of Madura, now complete with a tourist lodge.

Camplong Beach Location
Location Pondok Wisata Camplong Beach is located in the District of Sampang, Madura island, maybe 30 minutes to take the Ferry to the Madura of KotaSurabaya.

Cottage in Coast Attractions Camplong is the only cotages who was in Madura, which is equipped with complete facilities. For the overnight rate card in this cottage is relatively affordable, which is the standard rate I only Rp 25.000, -, standard fare II Rp 35,000, - and preferential rates Rp45, 000.

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